Problem set 4

Due by 11:59 PM on Wednesday, October 2, 2019


This problem set is more theoretical and abstract than previous assignments. You’ll practice figuring out ways of meausring outcomes and drawing causal diagrams.

If you don’t want to type all your text in RStudio (understandable, since there’s not a nice spell checker), you can type everything in Word and then copy/paste it into your R Markdown document.

  1. Open the project named “Problem Set 4” on This link should take you to the project—if it doesn’t, log in and look for the project named “Problem Set 4.”

    • Alternatively (and preferably now), if you’re using R on your own computer, download this file, unzip it, and double click on the file named problem-set-4.Rproj: You’ll need to make sure you have these packages installed on your computer: tidyverse, ggdag. If you try to load one of those packages with library(tidyverse) or library(ggdag), etc., and R gives an error that the package is missing, use the “Packages” panel in RStudio to install it.
  2. Rename the R Markdown file named your-name_problem-set-4.Rmd to something that matches your name and open it in RStudio.

  3. Complete the tasks given in the R Markdown file. If you see text in ALL CAPS you don’t need to put your answers in all caps.

  4. When you’re all done, click on the “Knit” button at the top of the editing window and create a PDF or Word document of your problem set. Upload that file to iCollege.